Walkthrough on Google Drive & Question for Mac Users

Hi everybody! A little update first!
University is slowing me down, that's why I'm slowing down the new builds, but I'm still working! 

1. I made a Google Drive Walkthrough accessible to anyone who has problems with the txt file. Just click on this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KDRwRikegn7KEd7OaX_0tq7fezOsp_8smyePVIEGUWk/...
2. Recently I heard that some users have problems with the Mac build. I wanted to ask if any of you encountered those errors too. I don't have a Mac myself, but it looks like there's a problem so I'm gathering more info in order to study it and fix it!
3. I'm redesigning some of the maps! I hope they'll turn out more pleasant in the next builds, but also I'm making larger corridors for the infamous chase scene.

That's all for now!
And have a look at this amazing art from Bowein! (I have their permission to post it)

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