A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Nobody talks about the fire incident at Estmour mansion. As the new servant, you're bound to keep silence. Things take a strange turn when you find a message from your pyromaniac predecessor... deep inside, there's a truth to uncover.


An old fashioned RPG Horror Game. 
You should be +16 to play it due to uncomfortable themes.

Male Protagonist
3 Alternative Endings
Extra Dialogue Feature
& Full Walkthrough



Spanish version > Bandoring Sub
Chinese version > Surgeries
Italian version > Iocentroconcleffa, Nnymeia, Sue
Russian version > krioshosksd
Brazilian Portuguese version > Ashiri, Tea Party Project [Ccard] [Tumblr]

Tv Tropes > HoussemDoesGames
Personality Database > exPDBee282507
Personality List > Unknown User
Telegram Sticker Pack
Archive of Our Own 


Nadie habla acerca del incendio en la Mansión Estmour.
Como el nuevo sirviente, estas comprometido a guardar silencio.
La cosas comienzan a ponerse extrañas cuando encuentras un mensaje de tu
predecesor piromaníaco... en el fondo, hay una verdad que descubrir.


Un juego RPG de Horror a la antigua.
¡Hecho en un mes para dos diferentes convocatorias!
Debes tener +16 para poder jugarlo ya que presenta temas sensibles.

Protagonista Masculino
3 Finales Alternativos
Opción de Diálogos Extra
Y Guía Completa

Plataformas: Windows, macOS, Linux
Género: Juego de Rol, Horror, Supernatural...
Hecho con: RPG Maker MV
Duración: Una hora aproximada



Puedes encontrarla de la siguiente manera:
carpeta www → fonts → instala la fuente (mplus-1m-regular)



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¡Banya permite toda clase de gameplays y livestreams!
No hay ninguna regla ni especificación acerca de ello.
¡Aunque le harían muy feliz si dejaran el link a sus gameplays y demás, así como
sus opiniones acerca del juego! Pueden dejarlos en su página de itchio.
Traducción al español por Bandoringsub.


制作工具:RPG Maker MV
★ 关于作者★
★ 关于游戏★

遊戲提示 https://handdim.com


Nessuno parla dell'incidente di villa Estmour. Come nuovo servitore sei tenuto a tenere acqua in bocca. Le cose però prendono una piega strana quando scopri un messaggio nascosto da parte del tuo predecessore piromane... nascosta nel profondo, c'è una verità da svelare.

Un Rpg Horror vecchio stile. E' consigliato avere 16+ anni per giocarlo!
E' presente anche una guida completa in italiano!


Ninguém fala sobre o incêndio na mansão Estmour. Como o novo servo, você deve manter silêncio. As coisas tomam um rumo estranho quando você encontra uma mensagem de seu predecessor piromaníaco... lá no fundo, há uma verdade a descobrir.

• Protagonista Masculino
• 3 finais alternativos | 1 hora de jogo
• Recurso Extra de Diálogo
& Passo a Passo Completo no arquivo do jogo (bloco de notas)
• Versão em espanhol, italiano, chinês e inglês

Никто не говорит о пожаре в особняке Эстмур. Как новый слуга, ты обязан хранить молчание. Но всё принимает странный оборот, когда ты находишь послание от своего предшественника-пиромана... В глубине души тебя поджидает правда.

Старомодная РПГ-игрушка жанре хоррор.
- Протагонист мужского пола
- 3 альтернативные концовки
- Анимированные катсцены
- Доп. диалоги
- Весь бывалый английский контент переведён на русский от А до Я


Deep Inside PC (English) 415 MB
Deep Inside MAC (English) 521 MB
Deep Inside LINUX (English) 448 MB
Deep Inside (Español) 495 MB
Deep Inside 汉化版 (Chinese) 415 MB
Deep Inside (Italiano) 408 MB
Deep Inside (PT-BR) 505 MB
На глубине (русский) 426 MB
Walkthrough 6.7 kB
GUÍA 7.7 kB
遊戲提示.txt 3.3 kB
GUIDA Italiano.txt 6.8 kB

Install instructions

The game may not work on all MACs. 
If the game doesn't work properly:
a) try run the PC version in WineOS
b)  instead of booting the game exe itself, look for the file "nwjs" in the game folder.

The game comes in a RAR file. 
To open the archive you will need to unzip it. 7zip might fail to extract the archive unfortunately, but Winrar works fine. You won't have to install anything to play the game, once you open the archive you can boot it from the app\exe file.

Development log

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любимая игра!!


OMG!! I love SO much! This is a masterpiece. S2

Thank u for have translation in portuguese - Brazil.

Obs: Sorry, english isn't my first language :P


I'm really enjoying this game so far. 

Ahah I'm glad! And I'm enjoying your video too!
Thank you for playing and streaming my game Yukichi!


This game left me wanting more. 

I want more. 

Please make more.

Hi Albahaca! Thank you for your kind words ;\\\;
I'm planning a little extra for the next anniversary (it'll be the game's fifth!), I hope you will like it!


Ooo. Exciting!


This game was fire (Pun intended); I loved every second of it and damn did I enjoy the end I got! Keep up the good work <3


I love puns and dad jokes, I really appreciate your comment ahah! 
Thank you so much Ignore!



My god MY GOD, this was a rollercoaster of emotions, I loved It so much!! Even though it made m efeel terrible seeing Zakhari´s body...

It took me a little while to finish the game because I was constantly going to invite him to a tea party...just to know what he thought about everything. I just found him so intriguing and interesting, I LOVED it so much when Aiden realizes that Zakhari needs glasses...and then he finds some old ones that he assumed were his, then repairs them and gives them to him...GOD THE JOY HE FELT, HE EVEN STARTED TO CRY...

At the end, I just wanted him and Aiden to go buynew glasses...be friends...and talk about the things they both enjoy..



Hi Tomàs! Thank you for playing Deep Inside >w<
I'm glad you liked it so much and that you found the little detail about the glasses! I liked writing that part, even if it may sound a little random... he and Aidan buying new glasses and being friends would be a lovely what-if, I'd personally like it! Thank you for your kind words >\\\<


Thanks for answering! And yes, it is certainly a very comforting what-if to think about, I already want to have some free time to play more of your games <3

i cant download it :((


Hi Sykomora! I'm sorry for the issue ;w; which version is it so I can check?

oh sorry i meant when i download it , i cant open the game , it shows me some error. im on acer laptop ;-;

I apologize for the late reply, I got it lost in the notifications ;w;
Is it the Mac Version? Does it crash before unzipping the archive or when you open the game? i'm sorry this happened ;__;

slr too ;-; when I extract the file, I get an error at the end of the extraction 😭😭

(1 edit) (+1)


Eu amei esse jogo, foi um dos raros jogos de RPG Maker que eu baixei por enquanto que me deixou em choque com o plot da história por como não deixava tantas pistas e deixava aquele ar de mistério, eu já tinha pegado a referência que Zakhari amava Gareth mas descobrir que a gente estava na verdade falando com o "espírito" do Zakhari porque Gareth matou ele foi chocante!! Esse jogo me deixou muito preso na história única e roteiro bem escrito. No começo do jogo, mais especificamente antes da conversa do Aidan com o Zakhari sobre o Gareth não estar interessado em mulheres eu tava achando o Aidan e o Zakhari meio fofinhos juntos mas nessa parte eu fiquei tipo: "Então o Zakhari e o Gareth são um casal? Que fofo" cof cof, a parte do "Que fofo" me arrependi de falar depois da revelação que Gareth matou Zakhari... 😭 Eu vou jogar os seus outros jogos quando tiver tempo! Eu sou um jogador mobile que usa o JoiPlay e o EasyRPG para jogar jogos de RPG Maker então fiquei muito feliz quando vi que dava para jogar Deep Inside pelo JoiPlay porque quando achei o jogo ele me chamou atenção pela descrição e os desenhos/aparências dos personagens! :D O jogo é ótimo! Continue o bom trabalho!!

(English translation below if it's better, I'm using a translator of course 😸)


I loved this game, it was one of the rare RPG Maker games which I downloaded for now that left me in shock with the plot of the story because it didn't leave as many clues and left that air of mystery, I had already caught the reference that Zakhari loved Gareth but finding out that we were actually talking to Zakhari's "spirit" because Gareth killed him it was shocking!! This game really got me hooked on the unique story and well-written script. At the beginning of the game, more specifically before Aidan's conversation with Zakhari about Gareth not being interested in women, I was thinking Aidan and Zakhari were kind of cute together, but at this part I was like: "So Zakhari and Gareth are a couple? How cute" cough cough, the "How cute" part I regretted saying after the revelation that Gareth killed Zakhari... 😭 I'll play your other games when I have time! I'm a mobile gamer who uses JoiPlay and EasyRPG to play RPG Maker games so I was very happy when I saw that I could play Deep Inside through JoiPlay because when I found the game it caught my attention due to the description and the character designs/appearances! :D The game is great! Keep up the good work!!


Hi MissCandy! 
Thank you so much for playing Deep Inside >\\\< it starts to be an old game but I'm happy that it still receives love! 
The way you described the progression of discovering about /him/ being gay and realizing what was going on in the plot is amazing, it's exactly what I wanted to convey ahah! And also I'm glad you liked the characters and the little twist in the plot! Thank you again for your kind words, I hope you'll like the other games too >\\\<

I think both Koi and Emerald Wasp are on Joiplay too, but I'm not sure! I know though that there are ways to emulate them on mobile... and some add-ons \ secrets I made are specifically for Android eheh!


hii im having trouble opening the game, when i download it, it shows this some kind of media-player? i tried extracting it to winrar, but i really dont know what to do after TwT, im new to pc ( more specifically, i have ACER ), 


nvm i got it!! i tried installing it directly from itch.io app and it worked !


Hello everyone, this is a heads up to any future/ongoing players and the Author in case they aren't already aware, but I found out that upon installing the game, if you go to the gear icon (for me its on the bottom right of the screen) and click "manage" then wherever the game is stored (for me its "show in finder" because I use a mac) you'll find the game folder and within it the actual application for the game, and you'll come to find its just called "Game". Well, once downloading/installing the files from itch, the very same "Game" application will begin running in the background whether it was opened or not. 

Now hear me out, i'm not sure if this is an everyone thing or a mac thing or just a me thing but this is something I noticed after finding out the "Game" was, according to my battery info, "using significant energy". 

I actually re-downloaded Deep Inside just to make sure I was correct and yeah, after once again uninstalling Deep Inside, the "game" application remained within my computer "using significant energy", the only difference was that it was now called "Game.app" by my battery info (re-installing the game changed it back to just "Game"). 

Anyways, I figured out a way around this. Before uninstalling the game from Itch you have to delete the "Game" application from within the files or else it'll stay running in the background.

Thats all I wanted to say,  just wanted to let current and future players of Deep Inside know about this issue if it does turn out to not be just a me issue. Other than that loved the game, gave it 5 stars and i'm eager to start Emerald Wasp :) 

Happy Playing everyone! and thank you Author for the amazing games!

Hi CastleGamer! Thank you for reporting this issue, I was not aware of this ;__; I'm so sorry for the inconvenience!
I don't have a mac though, so I'm not sure how to test this... I'll look for a solution in the meantime! Thank you again!
And also thank you for playing Deep Inside, I'm glad that you liked it regardless >\\\<


Liked it a lot! The plot was great and the characters each had their unique traits. However, I had a problem with the file (which didn't happen when extracting Emerald Wasp) and had to download WinRAR to be able to play. 

For any player out there who may have the same issue: please keep in mind that you could lose all of your progress if you close the window!! It happened to me, but I'm not sure if it's a me problem or if it has to do with the file.

That aside, I really enjoyed playing Deep Inside!! Thank you for making this game :]

Hi Dev! I'm coming from the other comment, thank you again ;\\\\;
I didn't know about the issue of the archive but I have an idea of what causes it, thank you for reporting it!
As for the windows closing and all progress being lost I though I got rid of that bug (screaming internally: OH NO) may I ask in which part of the game you closed the window? So I can check the script... I'm sorry this happened during your gameplay!
Thank you again for playing Deep Inside >\\\<

SPOILER WARNING (vaguely mentioned, but still)

The game froze right before the big reveal at the end of the game. The screen got black as it normally would when entering a new room, but the cutscene didn't load (I think the music didn't either?). If I recall correctly, I could still hear the "next dialogue" SFX, but I couldn't see anything.

However, losing all my progress had also happened before, earlier in the game. I didn't know this would happen and I had to replay everything a a a (luckily I was just starting it, hehe) I think it may be because I had to extract the file with winRAR every time I wanted to reload it, or else I wouldn't be able to open it (?)

But don't worry, it's no fault of yours! Still had a lot of fun playing and getting to know the characters during the tea party events was such a cool feature :]


Cool game! I really liked the characters! I actually sketched Zakhari when I finished playing it (Im not sure sure what his clothes look like)

OH MY ;\\\\\; thank you so much, Cahise!
Your art is lovely! I love the expression and especially the way you drew the nose and the mouth.
I'm so happy to hear that you liked the game and the characters ;\\\\\; thank you for playing the game!

Thanks!!! ;\\\\\;

Me aparece un error cuando intento extraer los archivos, porque es eso?

(1 edit)

¡HOLA Saerabel! Perdón por el error ;w; 
¿Puedes describirme qué sucede exactamente o tomar una captura de pantalla del mensaje de error?

Acabo de ver y es un error de la pc, se soluciona extrayendo desde winrar, ya q no se como se soluciona el error de la pc, entonces no se preocupe, no es un error del juego, deje la solucion por si alguien mas le sucede

cual es el que debo descargar para tener el juego en español???

¡HOLA Crys Love! Tienes que descargar el cuarto archivo (hice una captura de pantalla)


i loved this game so much, hope there'll be other games like this! >.<

Hello Hqllo Dolly! I'm happy to hear that you liked it ;\\\\;
I made another RPG maker horror, Emerald Wasp, and I'm currently working on a new one too!
But if you want I can suggest also games from other devs, also free on this platform!


I'm waiting for this game with Russian translation :0

Hi Pivo! Thank you ;\\\\;
I don't know any Russian translators at the moment unfortunately... but if you're with it I can reply under this post when a translation is in the works!

I use Google translate. I would be very grateful if you would translate the game into Russian. I played quite a few RPG games through JoiPlay, which included translations into Russian from some companies on VKontakte, so there are practically no good games left with plots, mechanics and endings, and if there are any left or have appeared, they are simply not translated :(. I really hope that you will soon add a game with a Russian translation. I would really like to play it (〃゚3゚〃).


I haven't finished yet, and Idk how far away from finishing it I am, but so far, I'm really loving it, since I was a little girl I've played a looot of creepy games and saw a loot of horror movies,  so I'm used to them and at this point in my life is really hard to even give me goosebumps, but somehow this game has really achieved to give me anxiety (in a really scary great lovely way), and is so interesting, the art, i love it, also  I have my hypothesis about the real history by now, so im gonna see how it turns out, but im sure im gona love it

Hello Lu! Thank you for playing Deep Inside ;w;
For a horror dev hearing that my game made you uneasy (not in a bad way) is a honor! Same for being invested in the plot and solving it altogether, I'm really glad you like it so far, I'm curious to hear the theory too! I hope the finale won't disappoint!


Omg hi, thank you for creating it, it was fantastic!!!

Yess, its an amazing creepy aura that I felt,  idk how you did it but its greaat to get me feeling like that, I love how you implemented the ideal BGM, the colors, everything together are an amazing combination for getting ppl(at least me) scared in a good way!

I loved it in general, it became one of my favourite rpg maker games already (with your game emerald wasp too, which i played yesterday night). Actually the final was impressive, had a quite unexpected turn of events. I thought very seriously that maybe Sara and Hilda started the fire, and some how that was organized by Gareth, and that Zakhari knew but he was forced to keep the secret. But I never expected how the things actually happened. 

Even tho I was wrong, I loved all of the endings, most of all, the true ending, I seriously thank you for creating this artwork bc that's what this game is!

Hi Lu, I apologize for the late reply! 
I hope you had good holidays in the meantime! Again, thank you for your kind words! Knowing that it has become one of your favorite RPGmaker games makes me really happy and proud. I hope I don't sound cheesy by saying this, but it means a lot. ;\\\\;
I'm really glad you liked Emerald Wasp too! The theory about the siblings being the culprits is interesting, not gonna lie. 
Thank you so much for playing my games, Lu!


i... i listened... wish in the dark...

That's cool! I love that song, I hope you enjoyed it too Dowun! x3


This was honestly a beautiful game. It started off with such an interesting mystery, and for a decent chunk of the game I certainly still believed the story that everyone had been telling Aidan. 

But with all of the strange things that had begun to happen, it became very apparent that things were not all that they seemed. It was so much fun to unravel the mystery and get to know the characters along the way! (Everyone had such suspicious personalities beneath how they acted outwardly, and I loved it. The feeling of having everyone against us just added to the tense atmosphere that was already present after the first night.)

The horror itself was beautifully done, too. The slight jumpscares definitely left me feeling uneasy and a little startled, and by the third day in the game everything seemed so eerie and unsettling. You honestly did such a great job with the writing. I was very invested in the story, and all of the endings felt satisfying regardless of the choices I made (though, they all made me a little sad...)

This is yet another game I intend to play again just for myself!
Deep Inside and Emerald Wasp are both definitely some of my favorite horror games now!


Hi Cryptid! I'm sorry I'm a bit late but I wanted to watch the video first!
First of all thank you for playing and recording it, as for Emerald Wasp I had lots of fun watching your reactions!
It makes me want to add a little comment or easter egg about Gareth's bath xD 
You also avoided all the traps, there were a few like jumping in the trapdoor without the rope or eating the biscuits eheh, you were very attentive! As a dev it was nice to see you starting to put all the pieces together and being led in the gameplay bit by bit. I wanted all the characters to look suspicious (especially Zakhari) and I'm glad it worked! And same for the reveal, even though by that point you know what to expect while entering the sealed room eheh. You also read perfectly the Italian names, you know! 
Thank you again for your beautiful gameplay, Cryptid! You're awesome! 

No worries!
I'm just delighted that you watched it. Thank you so much for checking out my gameplay!

xD I'm glad you enjoyed my reactions!
(It would be hilarious if you did add a comment or easter egg for Gareth's bath. Only if it's not too difficult, though, but I'd definitely enjoy seeing it on my next playthrough!)

Holy crap, I can't believe I avoided quite a few traps! I wasn't even trying to, so I feel a bit lucky for that.
You really did a great job with the story. I loved the foreshadowing, and it was fun to peel back the layers of the mystery until we got to the big reveal! (Which honestly made me rather sad, even if I expected it. It was really well done!)
I'm also so glad I pronounced the Italian names correctly (I said many of them 3-4 times before sticking with the take, so I'm glad it paid off!)

;-; Thank you so much for watching. And thank you for making awesome games!
I'm definitely a fan of your works at this point, and I'll be looking forward to playing more of your games!

(2 edits) (+1)

Hello! I just finished Deep Inside and I can say with certainty that this game is a work of art. I didn't play this game alone, I played it with a friend of mine. The game's story was something unique that I genuinely hadn't seen in any other game before, and Deep Inside has definitely become one of my favorite RPG games.

What made me love the game the most was the extra room and talking to your character, knowing how the characters and the story were created and what they were based on, it was something that I genuinely loved and that made me love it even more this game (I almost cried while reading it) And something that you definitely managed to convey was the idea that the protagonist could be with all the men in the game. I'm outraged that he didn't end up with Sasha in the end!

(This was clearly written with the translator, I'm Brazilian!:D)

Obs: I created an account here just to write a review and express how much I loved this game!! And I will definitely play your other games

Olá Medhisto! Peço desculpas pela demora na resposta ;w; mas li sua mensagem e fiquei muito feliz!
Primeiramente, obrigado (e seu amigo) por jogar Deep Inside, fico muito feliz que você tenha gostado e também honrado por ter criado uma conta para comentar e avaliar... muito obrigado!
Estou surpreso que você tenha gostado tanto da sala bônus! Por um lado peço desculpas por desabafar demais, acho que posso deixar alguns encargos para os jogadores, mas por outro lado fico feliz que você tenha entendido e apreciado. Queria poder mostrar as fotos da mansão real, era tão linda naquela época! Mas estou muito feliz em saber que você achou a história e os personagens únicos ;w; seu comentário alegrou meu dia!
Obrigado novamente!

PS: Usei o tradutor para português, espero que o texto tenha ficado compreensível kkkkk

Deleted 218 days ago

Esta muy bien, con una trama interesante la verdad, el diseño de los personajes me parece precioso y bueno poco más que añadir, gracias por la traducción estuvo muy bueno jugarlo.

¡HOLA Leirachan!
¡Gracias por tus hermosas palabras! Me alegra saber que disfrutaste el juego. ¡Gracias por jugarlo! Si quieres puedes dejar una valoración, ayudaría mucho a hacerlo visible.
(Estoy usando un traductor, ¡espero que el mensaje se traduzca bien!)


Hello Banya, I barely finished it and I already love your game, I can always count on your stories, hehe! by far what I liked the most was the exploration and the mysterious air that the game has, the way that everything comes together so that in the end you find out what happened definitely had me hooked. not to mention the characters in the work, which I really liked! I already knew I wouldn't regret playing it, I hope your games are more visible and that this gives you support to continue creating more captivating stories like these! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)


Hi Kanna! Thank you so much for playing Deep Inside too >\\\<
Your comment made my day, and I hope you'll like the next game I'm preparing, your support (and the support of others) encourages me to go one step beyond! Just out of curiosity, did you predict the twist in this one? 
Thank you again for your kind words >\\\<


Wow!! This game was amazing!! the twist totally got me, I would have never guessed! ^-^

Hi Goatboy! Thank you for your comment, I'm glad you liked the game >\\\<
And also that the twist caught you by surprise ehe! 
(If you want to could you rate the game? It would help a lot with visibility)


[I'll try to be vague but there might be spoilers so just a heads-up]

Happy release anniversary! 🥳🥳🥳

Man, I loved this game. There was just something about the setting and the mystery of it all that made it super intriguing, and I just ate it up 🫠

The characters were all very charming and the idea of having tea time with everyone was so cute! (I adored the teddy bear scene with Sasha 💕) Overall, Zakhari was my favorite, even more so after I finished playing. 🫠💕

I loved following the clues and solving the mystery bit by bit. I also love a tragic love story and this one was great! I pieced it together about halfway in, but that didn't take away from the conclusion. 🤭 There were just enough clues and they weren't very obvious, so I think it was really well done. 👌 Oh, and I liked the true ending, too! I felt it was very fitting. (at least now they can be together? that's so sad 😢)

Once again, loved reading about your inspirations at the end, it's such a nice touch and really shows the heart and dedication you've put into making this game. (I spent about 30 minutes running like a headless chicken in search of the last coin, but that was my own fault lol)

Lovely game overall 💕


Hi Hiro! This was such a good way to celebrate the anniversary, thank you! >\\\<

I'm really happy to read that you liked both the setting since it was a personal one for me and the characters ;\\\\;
And since you found the teddy bear you must have read most the teatime events, thank you so much! As for the mistery I'm glad the clues weren't that obvious, but I wanted the game to be fair for a player that paid attention to them (The library especially, it wasn't casual at all)

I guess we can say they are together (forever) now even if it's not a happy ending...
Thank you so much for your kind words Hiro, it means a lot >\\\< 


Where can I listen to OST music from here?


Hi Goofychristies!
The OST of the game isn't custom made, you can find it here: 
Wingless Seraph http://wingless-seraph.net/
Darren Curtis https://www.youtube.com/@DarrenCurtisMusic
Vivek Abishek https://www.youtube.com/@VIVEKABHISHEK


Just played this game and Emerald Wasp, and I absolutely love them both! As soon as I entered the room with the skulls and the music began playing (the same song that plays in YTTD after the first trial) I actually had to close the game for a second, lol.

Hi (again) Mori! Thank you for playing both games >\\\< I'm happy that you liked them both! 
Ahahah I know, that music is anxiety inducing, but if you also played YTTD it triggers memories! 
(I love that game too, it's amazing)



First, I did not expect the twist. Playing this game made me feel scared, happy (only towards Zakhari), intense, sad, and empty. Zakhari’s death was so unexpected that I was in denial about it. I had to step away from the game for 1 hour. The sound effects were very eerie that I had to take off my earphones throughout the game. Some of the quests were quite unclear so I had to watch the gameplay to know what I was supposed to do (check out “Gaming with Faelel” video). Either way, it didn’t spoil the game for me. I thought that this game would have a battle or something since it has HP, Level, and Mana. But to my surprise, it only had a chase sequel. I also didn’t know what to do with “Note #3”, I thought it was for the dark room. But as I recall, I think I never actually used the information in it. I guess that was for some side quest. If not, I guess I didn’t realize that I was actually using the info. As for the characters, I think they’re great—Especially Zakhari (I am biased toward him since he’s funny and charming). Gareth is also cool, I did not expect that it was his doing. If you were to ask me, I thought that the plot would go to something like the one that burned the house was one of the people that died building it since they have a strong hatred for the Leighs sort of thing. And I strongly believed that it would go that way, so when I was nearing the end. It completely surprised me. Either way, there may have been some confusion while I was playing this, but it didn’t destroy my experience. Totally a recommended game.


Hello! Thank you for your kind words, I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed the game >\\\< 
Having the player suspicious about an extra arsonist was what I was trying to lead them to think, so it worked! But the game has definetly flaws, as you pointed out, and I should retouch the Note 3 in particular. On the other hand I'm both honored and surprised to hear that you liked the characters and that the game made you feel intense emotions throughout the gameplay >\\\< it's a badge of honor as a dev!
Thank you so much for playing Deep Inside, Pho!

(I follow Faelel's channel regularly, Sparrow makes really good content!)

OMG, thank you too! keep up the good work. I'm definitely excited for your new game <3

Ho recentemente trovato questo gioco totalmente a caso, ero un sacco curioso ma quando ho visto che c'era una versione italiana ho fatto i balzi di felicità (Non che facci schifo in inglese però...)

comunque, ho adorato i personaggi, sopratutto Sasha e Hilda! mi hanno fatto ridere un bel paio di volte e giusto che ho una sorella gemella mi sono ritrovato me stesso in lui.

Per avere il vero finale ci ho messo un po'.. Ma cavolo se ne  è valsata la pena! e per le 15 monete ho fatto i peggio giri, ero confuso perchè ero sicuro di aver controllato tutto!.... e invece ero solo io che non avevo controllato il bagno ( Lo so, MOLTO stupido direi T_T)

alla fin fine davvero un bel gioco! alcuni momenti mi hanno dato l'angoscia (l'inseguimento e la prima notte che mi ha ricordato una certa scena di ib!) si vede proprio che ci avete messo molto impegno! 

io, mia sorella e altri amici miei stiamo pure noi facendo un gioco e spero forse di diventare Amici da Horror-Rpg-Developers! <3

un bacio!

This game is really good! thoughi was confused with how the story line was going and what I needed to do next but I finished the game and overall it was a really good game, a few spelling errors but amazing game. 

Loved the game

Amazing work creator

hiii :( im having an issue with unlocking the trapdoor...
im doing exactly as the note says (north, west, north and then face east) but i cant interact with the tile :(

(1 edit)

Hi Chara! In which room did you look for the trapdoor? (It's in the small house on the back)

i tried it in the warehouse! im pretty sure thats the small house in the back you're talking about..?


Hi! Sorry to bother you, but I'd like to ask your permission to do a portuguese translation, if needed, you can also contact me in my twitter @C0FFEP4LETTE or my e-mail coffeepalettetraducus@gmail.com <3

Not a bother at all, I'd be honored if you do >\\\< I sent you an email!


An old fashioned RPG Horror Game. 
You should be +16 to play it due to uncomfortable themes.

Male Protagonist
3 Alternative Endings
Extra Dialogue Feature
& Full Walkthrough

Oh no, not the male protagonist im so scared XD

Good game, i like it.

Hi Double King, thank you for your comment!

LOL I didn't think it might have that effect, but written like that made me laugh x° should I remove the male protagonist tag btw? I used it because of the requirements of one of the Jams at the time... and then I forgot it there 

No, it has to stay. Despite the comical nature of this text format, I think it would be inappropriate if one of the tags characterizing this game disappears after so much time.


I really enjoyed this game! Perfect amounts of mystery, puzzles and horror! I do run into a bug but I was playing an older version of the game and the bug has been fixed now. I recommend people to play this fun little gem for themselves! 


Hi Banya! 

I played your game and it was super exciting and interesting. I loved every second of it, some of the jumpscares, the dinamic with every character and the story. It caused me a lot of emotions while playing and I really appreciate that. 

Also I really liked the characters, they were drawn so pretty. (Zakhari is so precious to me.<3) 

And I wanted to ask you something out of curiosity, who is the person who draw the characters? when they speak to you they appear in the corner of the screen and It seemed to me a different art style, but I don't know. 

Thank you for this game and I hope you reply. <3

Hi Demi! Thank you so much for your kind words ;\\\\; I'm so happy to hear that the game resonated emotionally with you! This is so important to me, so thank you so much for playing and dedicating time to my little game!

Of course! The portraits were drawn by an artist called Gholless\Cozarks, their contacts are in the credits file but I'll share them here too. I highly suggest browing their gallery, their work is stellar!

Thank you so much Banya! I'm sorry I didn't notice the credits earlier, but thank you for being so nice about it. Best of the lucks and take care.<3

Hi, I just wanted to let you know that the personality database link redirects to the same tvtropes link: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/DeepInside

Hi Kazura! Thank you for letting me know ;w;
I fixed it, it should work now!


great game enjoyed every part of it, need more games like this

Thank you for playing my game Cremebrule!
I'm happy to hear you liked it >\\\< I hope you'll like my next one too!

can't wait for it yea


Great game! It was relatively short but engaging. The story is simple enough. I enjoyed the Tea Time events and various jumpscares. The final chase scenes are very The Witch's House-esque.

Possible bug notes: 

- My game suddenly freezes at the Credits screen, so I am unable to see the Extra Content after any of the endings. (Playing on Windows).

- When you choose the 3rd option in the last ending branch, you're still able to "talk" to the character in the empty tile and rechoose another ending.

- When you break open a certain wall on the first floor, enter the room, leave the room, and try to re-enter, it will not let you (there are two tile spaces facing the wall, but after you break both of them and leave twice it's a softlock).

Hi Solbg! Thank you for playing my game and notifying me of the bugs, I could only trigger the last one but I'll fix all of them hopefully!
I'm glad youi liked it even if it's somewhat buggy though and having it compared to the Witch House is one of the greatest compliments I ever had ;\\\\;


El juego está épico, no sé si soy demasiado manco o algo pero (spoiler)

 al final, cuando me quiero llegar al señor este que me olvidé el nombre, no puedo, no tengo ni idea de si está hecho a posta para que sea así, pero quiero tratar de llevármelo ayudaaaaaaaa.

¡Hola Martìn! Perdón por la demora ;w;

Estoy tratando de corregir todos los errores y... ¿por casualidad recuerdas qué artículos tenías en el inventario cuando llegaste al final? Creo que sé lo que bloqueó la elección de traer a Gareth; w;

Gracias de nuevo por jugar mi juego, ¡estoy tan contenta de que te haya gustado!

(Estoy usando un traductor, espero que se entienda el mensaje)

hi, i don't get the game in spanish to dowload but i see that there are people that have it in spañishdowloaded from here, what do i do??

pt: sorry from my inglish jeje

Hello! It's the fourth file to download in the list (Deep Inside Espanol) and on the bottom of the list there's also the walkthrough (Guia), to extract the file from the rar folder you need a program like Winrar (that is fortunately free)

Let me now if you could download them or if you need any help x3

(1 edit)

I don't know how to extract the rar file can someone help me out please???

Hi LazyToom! I'm sorry, I logged in today ;w;
By the way to extract the Rar file you need a program like WinRar or 7-Zip. I use WinRar, it's free and safe. Let me know if you need anything else

ok thanks ima try it out!

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