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at this point i cant do this no more.. i didnt want to like yknow,,, do that in the ending :

Sorry for the late reply ;w;
I think I know which ending you got *cough* but in case you need help I'm here!


I thought this game would be like a generic horror game but its not. This game was very unsettling with how the other staff look at you and the twist with zakhari. This game was great and it also give you choices which creates branches in the story which is something I love. Loved it / 10


Hi Allekid! Thank you so much for your kind words and the time you dedicated to my game >\\\<
Seeing you made a letsplay was a really pleasant surprise, I feel so excited! But especially I'm so glad my game stands out a little...
Btw I saw you got one of the endings, what did you think of it? Did you see the other two aswell? 
Thank you again >\\\<

PS: I shared the letsplay on Twitter, I hope it's okay!


The ending I picked was interesting because it was subverting expectations from what was set up throughout the game about the master and Zakhari. And yes! I did check the other endings out and they were great too! I also don't mind you sharing my video on twitter. I hope you continue making more games! :D


Thank you >\\\<
I'm making another game rn, I hope I'll be able to release it by the end of summer x3


That was amazing! I played it in one sitting. Hope to see more works from you soon! :D <3


Thank you, CrashArcane! And sorry for the late reply ;w;
I'm glad you enjoyed it, thank you for playing the game! And yes, I'm making another one, I hope I'll be able to release it by the end of summer :)


First of all, I don't regret that pun. Now we're even after that Hilda pun in our IG messages.

Secondly, as you know, I went through the walkthrough as I recorded this episode as I explain in the description. Also I got one ending and I'm probably not going to get the other two in videos (hey, one more reason for viewers to check out the game themselves, am I right? ;)

Seriously, thank you for creating this game. I believe I can put it up there with my most favorite undiscovered RPGMaker games of all time, and I'm glad we were able to talk a quite a bit over it! You're a lovely person and I'm glad that I met you!


Puns are the way straight to a friendship's heart for me <3
I'm so honored you played my game and streamed it, but even more so I'm glad we started talking. You're an amazing streamer and I hope you'll get more subs, I'll be supporting you from now on u\\\u
And as I already told you I've already melted while reading your comment, thank you so much for playing Deep Inside and sharing your impressions with me >\\\<

(1 edit) (+2)

Really loved the game! The characters were fun and the story was really interesting the whole way through.
The twist was really cool even if it made me a little sad for the best boy :( One question, though: why does Sasha say "Enemy spotted" every time I talk to him? lol
I'll be looking forward to your next game, because this is probably my favorite rpgmaker game I've played in a while! Good luck and best wishes :)

P.S. Thank you so much for adding a walkthrough because I accidentally missed one of those coins and almost cried thinking I'd have to investigate every object over again. Not enough people add walkthroughs to their games lol


Hi LeBrendle, thank you so much for playing the game and rating it >\\\<
I'm glad you enjoyed it and also that you consider Zakhari best boi (I'm happy a character of mine is in such high regard ;\\\\;)
I started teasing some screens of the new game on twitter if you want to have a peek, it's a public profile so you don't have necessarily to join twitter to see *cough*
As for Sasha, I found it was in line with his evident distrust with Aidan but sometimes I have some odd SFX choices xD
(Somebody pointed out the screaming chunk of wood too lol)

So you visited the bonus room too >\\\< 
Thank you again for dedicating time to my little game!


This is my first video on the game and I must say, it got me pretty intrigued to find out what the hell is going on. I'll be sure to drop a second part very soon.

This was such a beautiful surprise ;\\\\;
Thank you so much, Houssem! I'm glad you're taking time to play my game and record it too. I saw you're scanning every corner of the house! I wonder if you already caught on the truth behind the fire, I'm curious to know ehe! I love the title of the video too!

PS: I shared it on twitter after subbing to your channel, I hope it's okay!


Hey, I'm really glad I made you happy, it warms my heart. And yeah, RPGs force you to do that, plus I'm that kind of person anyways, always unsure if I missed something or not. I'll be honest, I'm not the best at connecting the dots in the narrative of games, sometimes you even have to spell it out for me hehe. But something does smell fishy here, I don't know what it is but I do smell it. And yeah, I'm just clever like that with the title.

Of course I don't mind! That's very thoughtful of you! Thank you!


There's definetly something wrong in the house, yeah *giggle*
I can't tell much without spoiling at the moment, but I'm not sure how subtle or direct the mistery is... as the dev everything to me is already known of course, so watching other people play is always a surprise x3
The title is such a mood, the arsonist of the game approves it!


Loved that twist. *Insert character here* was already my favorite before I knew it all! Great, fun game.


Oh you must be talking about Gareth... J\K, I'm really glad you liked *insert character who is not Gareth* before and after the twist >w<
Thank you for playing and rating my game, Castfire >\\\<

(6 edits) (+2)

Hi its me again! i just wanna say the endings are amazing! and the characters are soooo fancy and pretty (sasha ',:)))) ) i really appreciate the game! thank you so much for the good game! (and im this close on bawling my eyes eeep TwT) it was good in general the plot is nice and the idea of the game is very creative! (thats what dragged me here lol) and the fact that i didnt actually know that zakhari was gareth's lover made me want to play the game 100000000000000000 times

would be playing more of your games! <3 <3


Oh my >\\\< honestly I didn't know how to react at first, I'm not used to such entusiatic comments!
But I'm so happy to know that you enjoyed the game to the point you would replay it again and again! And, of course, thank you for dedicating time for my little game too! I'm making another one, I'll tease it soon on twitter and here >\\\<
As for Zakhari and Gareth... I guess playing with the knowledge of the secret would shed more light on some lines by those two, and the letters xD

(1 edit) (+1)

aww thank you so much for replying! <3 ofc ur game is so good! and im currently waiting for your new game hehe >w< and may i ask whats ur twitter user? so i can get some updates  👀


Hi! Sorry for the late reply, it only showed now the edit ;\\\\;
As for my twitter account, it's @Banya45135941 >w<

wheres the gramaphone and whats the planks forrrrrrr wat am i supposed to do next? pls helppppppppp

Hello! The gramophone is in the room on the 2nd floor that has holes in front of it, if you place the planks on the two tiles in front of the door you can cross the floor and reach it :) after that you'll get to play the record and to obtain a rope that will be useful in the shack..
Let me know if you need any help and sorry for being late!

(3 edits)

wait the old room of gareth ?the burnt floor?  and i still no have lamp. and i been going around in manor for 15 minutes and its still same :( 

(sorry about my english im using a translator)

His old room is the bedroom on the second floor, the burnt floors are floor 2 and 3 :)
As for the lamp if you already have the rope go the shack in the garden and look for a loose tile, you will descend into a basement and you will find the lamp to explore the 3rd floor of the house

hello thank you for responding :))

do you mean the lock room in 2nd floor? I still don't have a key for the locked room, do you know where I can find it? and i opened the loose tile in the warehouse but I still don't have rope so it just kill me whenever I go down the trapdoor.  Sorry I'm just very clueless about what's going on ;o;' its a good game though!

thank you :-))

You're welcome! And don't worry, any feedback is a good learning experience for me, so I can smooth the game further x3
Not the locked room, Gareth's bedroom is the one on the left-lower corner, next to the passage you enter the second floor :)
As for the room with the planks, place them on the two spots in fron of the door and enter it, on one of the purple clothed furniture there's the rope. Grab it and then you can automatically descend the trapdoor in the shack :)
(If you descend without the rope you will fall and die)


Hello banya! love the cute wonderful game! very enjoyable and bubbly :D but im having slight problems not so long ago, so i went to the tea party room and theres nobody in it but me (i threw a party but i saw in my inventory and pressed it) .so i tried to leave and pressed "yes" but nothing is happening i saved it because i forgot to save the other progress i made  T.T then closed the game and turned it back on. when i went back in and im still having the same problems :(( it still wont let me out of the room. is there any way to fix this because i dont want to start my journey all over again (and im near the end :"] ) or do i have no choice but to restart it? please help meee :CC

Any answer would be much appreciated, thank you!  <33


Hi Unluckylylucki! I'm glad you like the game >\\\<
Though I'm afraid you encountered a bug I didn't discover yet ;__; I guess you had more letters of invite and you clicked one before inviting, right? In that case, if you saved in the tearoom, I don't think it's possible to go back... BUT I have backup save files, if you tell me at which stage of the game (or which items you had) I can send you my save file closest to your progress so you don't have to start all over again, it's the least I can do ;w;
(Unfortunately my PC is busted atm and I can't fix the bug right away, but google drive and backups are intact)

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you thank you thank you! I really appreciate the reply a lot <33 i was trying to get the second ending since I finished an ending (The gareth ending was rlly well executed and my emotions oml- >< ) but i was in the part where i had to go outside and its raining then Hilda gave me cookies (i think that's the closest to what i remember) and thank you for the offer i really appreciate it! and i think my items are the warehouse key, note #3, Teatime invite, note #1, Old record, winding key, axe, silver key, library key, note #2, cookies and 10 silver coins.

i really hope im not troubling you too much I'm very sorry if i do :CC

I very much appreciate your replyy ! thank youu I hope there's a huge fandom abt deep inside that would be very exciting! <3 T^T


Oh >\\\\< hearing you liked that handing makes me so happy! I hope you'll like the other ones too!
As for the fandom... it's still a fairly unknown game, reccomending it or spreading the word would be a lot helpful ;w; 
(But hearing that you, and other players, liked it makes me proud regardless of a fanbase >\\\<)

So, the save file! 
Here's the closest I have to yours, just click the link and download:
It's missing the cookies and one silver coin, you still have to speak to Hilda and use the gramophone, but it should be almost identical x3
(It has also the two items for Sasha and Hilda's bonus teatime)


ahh thank you so much !!! <33333 i dont know what to say T^T thank you so much banya! would love to see your future games! <3 

Hope you have a wonderful day! :DD <3


Thank you >\\\< I wish you the same!
Let me know if the file works and if you need any other help x3
(I'm working on a new game btw! It'll be a while until I release it I think, but I hope to do it in the summer!)


I'm trying to open this game on Mac (Big Sur) and it won't let me for some reason. Whenever I try, it says "You do not have permission to open this file" (even though i own the computer I'm trying to run it on).

Hi Fatasidvsoritvr! I don't have a Mac so I'm not sure it'd work, but I did some research and I saw many apps can give this issue!
Somebody pointed the best solution is this one:
I hope it helps ;__; let me know how it goes, I'll keep researching!

I can't open this game on Mac either, I'm using Mojave (10.14.6). I hope it will work some day so I can play this it looks very good


I am Thai and use the translator to type this. I want to tell you that I really like your game! Even though there are some words that I don't understand But I enjoyed the games you made. I completed all ending and loved true ending so much. Thank you for making great games TT <3


Hi Yamasaki! Thank you for your kind works, I'm so happy you liked my games this much ;\\\\; I'm making another one lately, I think I'll start teasing it soon, I just have to finish the exam session first. Thank you for your support! >w<


Oh, I guess you must be busy dividing your time. Hope you will pass the exam well! And I will look forward to your gameTT💕


This game is so good.. But Im to dumb for this game lol, I keep stuck in somepart of the game.


hi Kakao! I'm glad you like the game so far x3 can I help you? Where are you stuck at?

Thank you for reply, actually I already finish it. thank you for the game!

You're welcome! Thank you for playing it >w<

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello, so before saying anything else I want to say that the game is amazing! The art style is so good too :3 I encountered a problem though i dunno if it's a glitch or what but I played the latest windows version of the game. I've finished the other 2 ends and I wanted to get the true end. I looked at the walkthrough and it said that I needed to open the little box to get the second part of the sketch. I assume that the box is the one on the left in the masterpiece room or is it something else? For some reason I can't interact with it no matter what I do. I already tried to redo it in a chronological order but it still won't let me open the box. I really wanted to see the true end pls help :(


Hi Hafhaff! I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed the game this much >\\\<
So, about the little box, are you referring to this one, right? I think it's because you need the Silver Key in your inventory, otherwise it will be impossible to react with... the key is in the library on the 1st floor, check the upper shelves until you find the fairy tale book!
(But if you have the Silver Key and this triggered... could you tell me which items you have in the inventory, please? Never say never ;w;)


Oh my gosh, thanks a lot :D Apparently I haven't gotten the key yet ;w; thanks for replying  have a great day ^o^


You're welcome >w< let me know if you need any help!
Have a nice day too, Hafhaff!

are there jumpscares

Yes, there are two-three of them
(If you're sensible to jumpscares but you want to play the game too I can tell you where they occurr so they won't take you by surprise)


yes please, thank you. i don't really mind spoilers

Np! You have to watch out for these three:
1. when you explore the shack and inspect the water tank, a hand will grab you
2. there's a scene when Zakhari speaks with you at the willows. After that, when you go back home, the moment you step on the door there will be a fullscreen portrait 
3. if you choose the obvious bad ending there will be a chase scene... anytime you get caught, you'll be greeted with a jumpscare


i see, thank you!

You're welcome :)


ooh new version update, I tried the linux version but I cant find the program?

Hi Leon! It seems it's the same problem as the other time ;__;
I started asking around if anyone knows how to resolve the issue, since I wasn't able to do it muself... I'll keep you updated on that!
I'm sorry for the inconvenience ;__;

on the third day (night) "Check the map then, in the room on the right, check the chest for a Hammer." where the hammer is? sorry i can't find it ;_;

Hi Saruza! When you're on the third floor go into the room in front of the stairs: it has just a bookcase, a bed and a chest, you have to click on the chest and you will get the hammer 


ahhh thank you

 it's really a good game and i like the story too <3 

You're welcome! Thank you for playing my game anyway ;\\\; I'm so glad you liked it!

How do I get a lamp?

This game is so hardddddddddddddd

I'm stuck on day twooooooooo

Hi! I'm sorry the game is hard ;__; anyway do you have Note no.3 in the inventory? The lamp is in the shack, but you need the note and the rope for the trapdoor (I made a full tutorial also, it can be helpful maybe)

thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much this really helped

You're welcome! Let me know if you need anything else :)

(1 edit) (+2)

I love the hair animation when the Hilda's sprite is walking! It's very cute. Also Hilda's sprite is very cute either!


Enough about Hilda. Overall, I like most of the characters's personality and the walkthrough is really helpful!


Thank you! I did that one, this makes me proud ;\\\\; and knowing that the characters are appreciated too aaaw!
And of course thank you for playing the game, I'm so happy to hear that you liked it!


Hello! There may be something strange with the translator. I am Korean. I was looking for a Korean translation when I found this game, but I was sorry that there was no Korean translation. If you don't mind, can I modify the file and patch it in Korean? I would be very happy if I gave you permission! I look forward to hearing from you every day.


I would be honored to, thank you ;\\\\;you have it of course, if I can publish your translation here too...
Tomorrow I'm launching the big update too, so there will be some more dialogues. I've never done this before though, what files do you need to patch the game? You can find me at


This game of yours, was amazing i hope to see more of your work in the future. I enjoyed the depth of story you held in the game.



Oh my ;\\\\\; thank you for your kind comment, Gracie!
Tomorrow I'm launching the graphic\bug update for Deep Inside, your comment encouraged me to work hard!
I hope my future games will be fun for you as this one ;\\\\;

Hello! I love the game and have been enjoying it a lot, but I've been stuck at the point where, during night 3, you go to the left room on the third floor. After I go into it, whenever I try to exit, it makes me go back in. I've tried restarting the game, but it still makes me go back into the room!

Hi cvurla, sorry for the late reply! ;w;
If I can till be of any help, which events did occur before entering the room?
(I think I know how this triggered)

hello!! I ended up restarting the game a few times, and it stopped glitching out!!


Amazing game, I really enjoyed it but chasing scene took me a while since it was a little chaotic but still very good game!

Hi zkurpik, thank you so much for playing my game ;\\\\; hearing that you enjoyed it makes me happy!
And... yeah... gotta improve that chase scene, I'm working on it xD


ooo i love how the cover for this game is kinda like in fire, then i also like the characters and how you find out what happened before throughout the game, i love how the characters look in 8-bit so cute and the house seems old also just like how its suposed to look, great work!


Hi GameFan, thank you for your kind comment! I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the game >\\\< 
I'm quite worried about the house appearence now, I'm restyling all the graphics (and about to launch the update) so I hope the house look quite as good as before x° 

dont mention it! and dont worry im sure it will look good, am excited to see!

i just recently downloaded the game (windows version) and some of the settings are in another language is there anyway to change it or fix it?

Hi Non_Binary_Bunny! 
I'm sorry, I don't know how to change them yet ;__; the least I can do is translating them for now, here they are:

Nuova Partita > NEW GAME
Continua > CONTINUE
Opzioni > OPTIONS
Oggetto > ITEM
Salva > SAVE
Termina > QUIT

I'm sorry for the inconvenience ;w;

oh okay thank you for the help, i'm sure i'll get used to it as i play the game. At least i know what they all mean now since i was so confused before.


um, I downloaded the linux version but there's no program? because I cant run the windows version via emulator too

Tha's odd ;w; the other Linux users didn't report this... 
I searched on the internet for a solution, I found many suggesting to use Wine because the MV Linux support doesn't always work. It's a hassle to use another program to run a game though, I'll keep on searching ;w;
Here are the links
PS: I still couldn't get to the PC today, but I didn't forget about fixing the build of Dreamquartz. Thank you for your patience and thank you for notifying me of the error >\\\<


maybe they forget? and I did try run the game via wine emulator but it won't run, its a hit and miss in the first place, I can run some games with wine and I cant run some games with wine and unfortunately deep inside is one of those I cant run T.T but its ok, I'll wait till everything fix, just take your time :)d

I think you're right, they probably didn't report it ;__; 
I kept on searching and I found this other solution, it's basically a way to run the game into the browser:
I'm studing how to make this possible myself to release with the new bug fixes update I'm making... it would be useful to have it on the browser since the build didn't work ;w;"

can someone explain to me where the libary is?

Hi Myahee! It's on the first floor (not ground floor) next to the stairs, on the right :)

(1 edit)

Hey I'm still waiting for help and it's been a few hours, just checking in, no pressure! Just kinda worried!! (^^") 

did something happen??? ಥ_ಥ

No no! It was night time on my side xD so where are you in the game? How can I help you?

hold on lemme pull up the game lmao rn I'm setting up my facebook, working on my visual novel, and a bunch of other stuff ಥ_ಥ

Ok so I’ve read the first note and I also did the morning little round up thing, I went into the warehouse to see if I could do anything there and that’s where I got the 2nd note and I saw the hand cutscene


Okie-dokie! Have you found the willow?
Now you can go to the first floor and unlock the library :)
Btw for minor things I set up a walkthrough in the game files or, if it's not accessible, in here

ok thank you!

(1 edit)

Hi (again lol) I got it to work (Yay!) but uh what do I need to do on the first day when I need to do work? I've clicked everywhere ಥ_ಥ (also sorry I'm terrible at puzzle games and that stuff even though I do play a lot of them lol I just am amazingly stupid)

I'm glad it worked *__*

So where are you atm? I mean what was the last thing that happened in the game? (I gtg now but I'll reply as sono as I come back)

well I just got the note in the dirty water and the hand cut scene happened and then I started clicking everywhere I could think of ;w;

I just found out how to read the note (I didn't know that was a thing oops)

(2 edits)

hey so uhm I can't open the windows file its kinda stuck as a .RAR file and it keeps opening to my notepad app on my laptop TTvTT I really want to play this game. I've tried everything I can think of I think I might break something if I continue TTATT (I don't wanna mess up any of my other visual novels ಥ_ಥ)

It can be opened with winrar or 7zip, you mean that even after unzipping it it doesn't work? @@

(I'm looking at a way to fix it too atm, it neve happened to me before ;__;)

thanks sorry for the trouble TTvTT 

So, I found this solution, it's nothing damaging to the computer, maybe it might be useful!
Let me know how it goes ;w;

thanks so much I got it to work! 👍

Hello, i tried to look for the key near the willow tree but the only thing i got was the one stating it had a heart carved on it? or is it a different tree??

Hi Noodleswashere! The tree is the right one, have you gotten Note #1? 
It's in the room of the protagonist, in the hole on the wall among the two beds. Once you get it, go back and check the tree, the key should appear :) 

ohh oki, Thank you!

you're welcome :) let me know of you need any help

Nope! I managed to finish the game. All the ending were super cool and i love the artstyle! (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

Oooh >\\\< first of all, thank you for playing the game! I'm glad you liked the endings too! May I ask which one did you prefer? 
As for the art, it's mostly merit of Kurosai and Ghoulless (I did the creepy cutscenes lol)


Hiii! First of all, i'm enjoying the game so much! The artstyle is amazing, and i'm getting really invested in the story! Though i got stuck :( I've got the rope and also the note, but i'm not sure where i'm supposed to follow what it says on it. I've tried to go into the mirror where the pg falls, but it automatically gives game over and i can't use the rope. Could you please help me out? I'm looking forward to reach the end of the game, since it's so well done! <3

I'm really glad you're enjoying the game so far >\\\<
So, did you use the rope in the hidden room of the shack? What items do you currently have? I'm asking to check if a weird bug (I didn't discover yet) triggers ;w;"
By the way the mirror room on the left it's a trap, you shouldn't go there, the right passage is the mirror on the right


Its a really good game but i still dont understand the story😭✌

Oh I'm glad you liked it >\\\< thank you for playing my game!
As for the story in the next build I'll expand more on that, I know it's quite confusing ;w;
But basically SPOILER ALERT
The master of the mansion and the servant were lovers, but they were discovered. The master killed the guy and hid him in a locked room, constructing a wall to hide it, then he himself set the mansion on fire to shift the blame on the servant who "vanished". You take his place andfor most of the time talk with the servant's ghost without realizing you're the only one who can see him. He's waiting for somebody to free his spirit by discovering the hidden room :)

ohh ok thank youuuu

Deleted 3 years ago

This game is very good n .n

Thank you, Toto! I'm glad that you liked it, thank you for playing the game too >\\\<


Game is really nice ! I love the characters (hellooo Sacha *wink*) and the art is really cute ! Just kinda sad because I'm bad with chase scenes ahaha ! Good work on this anyway, it was nice ty so much

Aww I'm so happy to hear that you liked the game! Thank you so much for playing it ;\\\;
As for the art it's also Ghoulless' and Kurosai's merit, Ghoulless is the one who drew Sasha's icon in the dialogues eheh uwu
(I'm the one who drew the jumpscares and the cutscenes, lol)

how do i get note 1? i completely forgot, also, i had to restart after a glitch where i was stuck inside the tea time room. when it asked if i wanted to leave, the 'yes' button did absolutely nothing.

Hi Kh_un! The first note is located in your room, check the crack on the wall next to bed :)
As for the glitch I'm sorry it happened to you ;w; may I ask if you entered the tea room before the night scene? I'm checking through the events to fix it (I think I got the problem)

Hello, i tried playing in windows but I can't seem to play it. Everytime I tried to play it, it always shows a black screen and I asked my friend for help she said that I need to download the zip file while the one I downloaded is rar

Hi Liana! I'm sorry this happened ;__;

Rar and Zip files are the same extension mostly, did you manage to unzip the folder? Did you access the exe file? 

Oh, nevermind I tried to download it again and it worked! Sorry to trouble you

No problem! If there are any other problems feel free to contact me :) I hope you enjoy the game!

How do I figure out which willow tree it is?


It's near the shack and has a little flowerbed in front of it (it's the only one who has it), just check the tree itself :)


I fell in love with your art style <3   

Thank you so much >\\\< I'm so glad to hear that!
But it's not all mine, I did the cutscenes and the sprites, but the portraits of the characters are made by Ghoulless and the main title \ the painting is Kurosai's. I have their sites in the credits file, check them for more amazing art x3

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